Trinseo | Customer Support
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Customer Support

Trinseo supports its customers with a team of product stewardship personnel and principles and practices applied consistently across the globe.

Protecting people and the environment is part of everything we do at Trinseo and every decision we make. Each employee has a responsibility to ensure that our products and operations meet government and company standards – whichever is more stringent.

Product safety is paramount and Trinseo Product Stewards are ready to help our customers with:

  • Customer inquiries / follow up on environmental, health or safety questions related to Trinseo products
  • International Material Data System (IMDS) responses
  • Regulatory letters
  • Raw material composition
  • ISO certification letters
  • Medical policy and application screening
  • Notification of change policy
  • Safety data sheets (SDS)

To get in touch with your regional Product Steward, please contact your Trinseo representative or the Trinseo Customer Information Group.