Trinseo | Mechanical Recycling
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Mechanical Recycling

Prolong the life cycle of plastics.

Plastics recycling is value optimization, and at Trinseo, we convert plastic wastes into useful products through upcycling.

Our company collects, pre-treats and processes plastic waste materials using mechanical recycling. Our process captures the materials’ maximum value by transforming them into high quality recycled raw materials for a wide range of high-end applications.

We strive to generate the maximum value from waste streams for our waste suppliers, customers, and value-chain partners. To achieve this, we recycle plastic waste according to the latest national and international waste regulations. The recycled raw material is made to the customers’ specifications or as a commodity in accordance with industry standards. The resulting circular raw materials are of the highest grade suitable for top-end products.

Get to know our recyclate-containing solutions.

Prolonging the Life Cycle of Plastics

Read the Brochure

PMMA Mechanical Recycling

Watch the Video


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